Cancel your subscription

If you cancel your subscription, your plan will be automatically deleted from our system at the end of the subscription period. For example, if you plan was purchased 1st Jan, and was canceled 1st Feb, it would remain active until 1st June (if your billing cycle was every 6 months). The exception is if you received a refund, where you service will be terminated immediately. After the subscription has ended, your plot will be moved into a state ready for deletion. We can not get your plot back from this and if you wanted to resume a service, you'd have to recreate your plot(s).

To cancel:

  1. Log in to stage plan. Click on Account. Scroll down until you see the section about Subscription Purchases. Click on the subscription you want to cancel.
  2. If for any reason the suggestion above does not work, then log in with your bank to cancel the standing order, or with PayPal to cancel the subscription.
  3. If they all fail, contact us, but there may be a charge if we have to provide this service (unless the 2 options above do not work for you)

Please let us know why you want to leave (or anything else) via our contact page