To change your logo, first click delete
To upload your logo, select the image and click upload (5mb max file size)
Add your audio here so viewers can hear your music.
Instructions on how to add the Spotify Player
Instructions on how to add the SoundCloud Player
Instructions on how to add the Deezer Player
Instructions on how to add the Band Camp player (do not pick Wordpress)
Add the videos that will impress the most! Pro videos are great, and so are live performances where you capture the enegergy of both the peroformers and audience
To delete a video, delete the URL from the box and click save
To add a video, please enter the URL into each box (maximum 4 videos)
Instructions on how to add Youtube videos
Instructions on how to add Vimeo videos
You can upload up to 4 images
To change an image, first click delete
To upload an image, browse and select the image you want, then click upload (5mb max file size)
Please add your discography, with year, ONE PER LINE (eg, My Album (2023))!
Please add a contact method, ONE PER LINE! It might be a phone number, an email, a web address, a whatsapp group...
To change your stage plot PDF, first click delete
To upload your stage plot PDF, select the PDF and click upload
You can either add your gigs in the text box below, or add your bands it town code
Social media
Please add a social media link, ONE PER LINE!