Let's start with getting terms sorted. Tech rider is an overloaded term. To some, it means stage plan (or stage plot). Yet it is also... What Is A Tech Rider
Well, the first question is, "what is an input list or monitor list"?: This is where you break down by each input going into the desk (or what you need sending to... How Do I Make An Input Or Monitor List
As much detail as you can but if you have a relationship to with the venue, then chat to tthe venue. A stage plan is a model, it's not a substitue for a converation. What do I need to include in my stage plan
The stage plan is a map of where your instruments are. The person who needs this is the sound engineer or the venue (or even both). This then gives... What do I do with a stage plot
That depends of course – how many line ups you have. Maybe you're the type of band who can go out as a duo at the smallest size and an eight piece... Do I need just one stage plot
A stage plan is a very important document for the sound engineer. It shows them your line up (such as how many performers) and what equipment is being... Why do I need a stage plan
It is the same thing to us. Some people call it a stage plan, others a plan but there is no difference in the definition. In fact, the online...... Stage plan vs Stage plot